<H1> | <H2> | <H3> | <H4> | <H5> | <H6> |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
<H4> ˹ѡ䫵ç¹ҭɡԷ©ԧ </H4> |
No Description
k10.jpg |
Keywords | Freq | Title | Desc | <H> |
Text content size | 99 bytes |
Total HTML size | 665 bytes |
Domain Age: Not Available
Created Date: Not Available
Updated Date: Not Available
Expiry Date: Not Available
Kch.ac.th desktop website speed is fast. Page speed is important for both search engines and visitors end.
Domains (TLD) | Status |
kch.com | Already Registered |
kch.net | Already Registered |
kch.org | Already Registered |
kch.biz | Already Registered |
kch.us | Already Registered |
Domains (TLD) | Status |
uch.th | Query Failed |
jch.th | Query Failed |
mch.th | Query Failed |
lch.th | Query Failed |
och.th | Query Failed |
Kch.ac.th mobile website speed is medium range. Page speed is important for both search engines and visitors end.
Server IP | Server Location | Service Provider |
---|---|---| | //www.thnic.co.th if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'ipaddress_com-box-4','ezslot_9',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ipaddress_com-box-4-0');How fast is Kch.ac.th? And what web server software does the site use?Is Kch down today? Use our Ping Tool to check if kch.ac.th is up and running...There seems to be no web server configured for kch.ac.th or www.kch.ac.thif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,90],'ipaddress_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ipaddress_com-banner-1-0');What are Kch.ac.th DNS Records?The start of authority (SOA) record for kch.ac.th specifies ns89.hostinglotus.net as the primary master name server for this zone. The REFRESH value is set to 100 seconds, RETRY is set to 3600 seconds, EXPIRE is set to 1209600 seconds, and MINIMUM TTL is set to 86400 seconds. The serial number for the zone is 2016071801. In addition, the DNS configuration for kch.ac.th contains 1 IPv4 address (A), 2 name servers (NS), 1 mail relay (MX) and 1 text record (TXT).Additional DNS resource records can be found via our NSLookup Tool, if [email protected]. hostmaster.kch.ac.th. 2016071801 100 3600 1209600 86400🇹🇭 @A119.59.120.12@MX10 [email protected]@NSns90.hostinglotus.net@TXTv=spf1 a mx ip4 | Not Available |
Anchor | Type | Follow |
เข้าสู่หน้าหลักเว็บไซต์โรงเรียนกาญจนาภิเษกวิทยาลัยฉะเชิงเทรา | Internal Links | Dofollow |
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